sandnes municipality
October 2024
Once again, we attained a framework agreement. This time we are proud to share that we have signed a new framework contract for healthcare projects with Municipality of Sandnes.
We look very much forward to working with the municipality!

field trip: stockholm
October 2024
On the annual field trip this year, we went to Stockholm. This trip was dedicated to see some of the different projects, both contemporary and historical, the city has to offer. Educational, political, cultural and historical buildings, followed by good food and great company!

nyholm kindergarden
Jan 2024
We love kids and once again we have been engaged to design a large kindergarden for Ullensaker municipality.

framework contract with
boligbygg oslo kf
Dec 2023
We did it again!
Among 33 offices we became no. 1.
Hard competition and we look forward working with Boligbygg Oslo KF.

kløfta nursing homes
Nov 2023
With our long experience in healthcare architecture, we have been asked to develop a masterplan and design studies for nursing homes in Kløfta.
How to connect to existing nursing home and develop a new large extension for the employees and the residents will be the main focus of the design.

new architect joins MAP
Nov 2023
Sophie holds a masters degree in architecture from NTNU, where she got her diploma in 2022.
Her passions in architecture include construction and materials, and she once made christmas presents to her whole family out of concrete.She particularly enjoys working in the interface between functionality and beauty, where logistics meet emotions.
We are excited to have Sophie on our team! Welcome to MAP!

field trip to prague
Okt 2023
The city of Prague showcases a myriad of architectural styles, coexisting side by side in the compact capital. These buildings, are a visual history of Prague.
The Prague architectural works of the Gothic Period (14th and 15th centuries), of the High Baroque of the 1st half of the 18th century and of the rising modernism after the year 1900, influenced the development of Central European, perhaps even all European, architecture.

delightful news
We are delighted to announce that we have recently entered into framework contracts with Drammen, Trondheim, and Flekkefjord Municipality.
We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with the manicipalites in the future.

new framework contract
Another framework contract with Romerike.
We look very much forward in collaborating with the municipalities in the future.

new intern
Frida Dahl Obrestad
Originally from Jæren in Rogaland, Frida works as an intern here at MAP. She is at the time pursuing a masters in architecture at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Frida has experience from LPO Arkitekter and as a production assistant for SPEED Architects.
Frida has a particular passion for transformation of existing buildings, the environmental and social impact of architecture and building art.
Besides work and studies, she enjoys hiking and the outdoors – especially the mountains of western Norway and the beaches close to home.

We are proud to share that we have signed a new framework contract with Statsbygg.
We look very much forward in collaborating with Statsbygg in the future.

welcome to MAP
Sandra Vinge studied architecture and urban design in Timisoara (RO) and in Granada (ES). She then went on to study Urban Regeneration at the Bartlett School of Planning in London and specialised in transport planning. As an architect she worked mainly on infrastructure projects in all phases of design, mostly in large international offices.
After moving to Norway in 2018, she continued to work on airport planning and master planning projects and then expanded her field to landscape and health projects. Sandra has a deep concern for social issues surrounding political affairs and climate change and is an avid consumer of all art. She also states that she got her deepest life insights while skiing in harsh weather conditions

map 20 year
sep 2022
We celebrated MAPs 20th anniversary in september - it has been a great journey!

field trip 2022
Milan okt 2022
On the annual field trip this year landed on Milan. We got to explore great architecture - Art Nouveau.

Happy kids
We have been asked to design new kindergarten extension to Øvre Slettheia School in Kristiansand.
The approach will be how to make the new extension function well together with the existing building.
Environmentally kind materiales will be used in this project.

To please young students
How can a school become something more than a school?
We are engaged in looking into rebuilding and extend Jevnaker Secondary School for Jevnaker Municipality.
to house more activities such as culture and other activities for the local community.
sporty and happy
We have been commissioned to design a sportshall for Kristiansand county.
The hall will serve the local community and will in addition to the existing outdoor facilities transform the area of Hortemo to an area of sport and leisure.

we are growing! new architect joins MAP
Aurora went to artschool and studied art history at the University of Oslo before she started her architecture education. She was qualified from Aarhus School of Architecture in 2007. Since then, she has gain great experience from all stages of a project and likes working on every scale. She is interested in the environmental aspect of buildings and how architecture plays a vital role in our surroundings.
In her sparetime Aurora is a dedicated knitter and has always three knitting projects on hand.
We are thrilled to have her on the team!

field trip - bergen 2021
okt 2021
On the annual field trip we went to Bergen in Western Norway. The tour focused upon historical buildings, urban structures and recognized villas designed by Konow Lund and Leif Grung.

open house oslo 2021
sep 2021
Visit the project this weekend:
Parkkvartalet consists of 3 buildings and is situated next to the Royal Palace in Oslo. Two were built in the 1870s and the third building in the 1950s, designed by the renowned architect Arnstein Arneberg in collaboration with Henning Astrup.
On ground floor the buildings are opened up and a continuous open space runs through the buildings with different functions like cafes, restaurant, workplaces and small social meetingpoints. We also established a glasspavilion for relaxation and work. Modern glassconstruction with tensionwires meets the older brick and rendered facades and mirrors different times in history. Glassroofs, small vistas towards Parkveien and the backyards create an exciting and varied environment.

simon lillywhite
may 2021
Simon completed his studies in the UK whilst working at Purcell, gaining valuable experience working on historic buildings and primarily, the detailing phase of projects,. After moving to Norway in 2018, Simon has worked on multiple school projects before joining MAP Arkitekter AS.
Simon has a passion for creating sensitive relationships between the new and the old and adapting them for modern use
We are thrilled to have him on our team!

frederic salatti joins MAP
april 2021
frederic will be joining our team on the april 1st. He has a diverse experience from both small and medium size offices in Oslo. His strong sense of design and materiality will be a great value to our team.
welcome to the MAP team!

MAP wins the open competition in froland
april 2021
We did it again!
In open competition we managed to win new build for Froland home for elderly people
It is a complex site but overlooks the beautiful river Nidelv.
The building is around 9.500m2

the MAP crew afloat
sep 2020
This years field trip to ålesund focused on jugenstil. We visited museums, hotels, cultural centers, and amazing landmarks.

field trip to ålesund
sep 2020
This years field trip to ålesund focused on jugenstil. We visited museums, hotels, cultural centers, and amazing landmarks.

new hire, new generation
july 2020
Mathias Sagvik is a 3rd year architecture student at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
He has a keen interest in the intersection of architecture, urbanism and service design.
We are excited to have you in our team!

Delightful news
may 2020
Another framework contract with Gran, Lunner and Jevnaker councils.
In May, we were nominated as
no.1 in an open competition out of 22 architectural offices.
We look very much forward in collaborating with the municipalities in the future.

happy easter
april 2020
Two Easter eggs – the digestive and architectural.

amazing news!
march 2020
We have now signed the contract with M2 Entreprenør to complete 32 flats within the walls of the old Gausetangen School in Holmestrand after receiving planning permission. The project fits well into our strategy of converting existing buildings and give them a new life and being environmentaly concerned.

wonderful news!
march 2020
In competition with others Viken Fylkeskommune has chosen us for a smaller commission involving redesigning parts of Lier College including lecture theaters and other facilities.

great news!
march 2020
Education seems to be our thing these days!
Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF has just given us a commission to develop a sketch design scheme involving an extension and refurbishment of Nordstrand secondary school.

happy news!
march 2020
We have just won and been asked to design, in competition with 14 other offices, a new residential care home center with 47 flats and a daycare center for Eidsvoll Municipality.

map's facelift and other stories
march 2020
We have now launched our new web site and new logo. This is a part of a professional process the office has worked on over the last two years. Architecture is much about communicating ideas and get them realized. Have a good peep and do feel free to contact us for what ever reason.

yet another clever architect joins our team
march 2020
Tanita Eide Saur was a strong candidate when we searched for a new young architect. She qualified from The Oslo School of Architecture in 2020 and also studied in Milano. She is a hands-on architect and enjoys photography as a hobby.

new architect strengthening the office
feb 2020
Erle Wilhelmsen Austrheim has joined the MAP team. She has previously worked at Riksantikvaren and been assistant at the Oslo School of Architecture. Her interest lies within analyzing the architectural framework, transformation projects and master planning.
Great to have you in our team.

happy news
jan 2020
We achieved another framework agreement with ROAF (Romerike avflassforedling IKS) and look forward to improve the important work of environmental treatment of waste disposal and other buildings with focus on the environment.

merging of drammen, svelvik and nedre eiker
dec 2019
In connection with the merging of Drammen, Svelvik and Nedre Eiker municipality we have been engaged in assisting in the new local service centers within the municipality. Exiting work to see how a municipality can more easily give their services to the local inhabitants.

framework agreement with kristiansand municipality
nov 2019​
Once again we gained a framework agreement. This time with the Municipality of Kristiansand. We look forward to working with the municipality.

field trip 2019: madrid
oct 2019​
This years field trip to Madrid focused on schools and kindergardens as well as other commercial buildings and museums. We visited The German School, Ecopolis Plaza, Herzog & de Meurons Caixa Forum and of course the Prado and Reina Sofia.

experienced architect
sep 2019
We strengthen the office with yet another clever architect. Anders Esko Nielsen knows the office from before and found his way back again. With his design skills he will develop and lead some of the important projects in the office. His interest for architectural design, history and theory will add to the professional climate in the office.

grand opening of årvoll residential care home
june 2019
City council for health and the elderly Tone Tellevik Dahl opens the new healthcare center. The center is the largest Bolig bygg has built with 80 flats for elderly (Omsorg+) and also contains day care center and other local facilities.

masterplan for flåteløkka secondary school in kongsberg
feb 2020
The city council approved the master plan for this important new college in Kongsberg, situated by the river Lågen.

field trip 2018: london
oct 2018​
This trip was dedicated schools but also a visit to Peter Barber Architects. The office focuses on housing and have currently an exhibition on at the Design Museum. Peter Barber is also visiting Oslo to give lectures later this Autumn.

grand opening greveløkka primary school
oct 2018​
The new extension to the school has given the pupils and teacher twice the size and is now a complete 4 parallel primary school.

our first project with drammen municipality
oct 2018​
We are commissioned to refurbish a kindergarten at Fjellhagen.

experienced architect
oct 2018​
Ingvild is back with us. She has worked with us before and we look forward to having her back again. She will be central in the further focus within the office on kindergartens, schools, healthcare buildings as well as offices. With her knowledge and experience, the office strengthens its design team.

lunner residential care home
sept 2018​
We were chosen by the Lunner Municipality to design and complete Lunner residential care home. The project fits well into our experience within the healthcare sector.

framework agreement with municipality of drammen
sept 2018​
We achieved an other framework agreement with The Municipality of Drammen. Through two faces we ended up as no 1 out of 32 contestants.

MAP on the move
aug 2018​
From 31.08.18, you will find MAP Arkitekter AS at Drammensveien 130 C.1 at Skøyen in a beautiful old brick building. We look forward to seeing you here and develop new exiting projects with us.
Contact information:
MAP Arkitekter AS
Drammensveien 130C.1
0277 Oslo​
Email: post@mapark.no